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Styleclass: Add HTML styleclass attributes to your table.Style: Add HTML style attributes to your table.Language Direction: Determine if the text in the table is read left to right or right to left.Summary: Add a summary explaining the table’s purpose.Caption: Add a caption to the table which acts like a title.Alignment: The alignment of the table in the text editor.

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Cell Padding: The amount of space between text in a cell and the cell wall, in pixels.Cell Spacing: The amount of space between table cells, in pixels.Border Size: The table border size, in pixels.Headers: Choose if you want headers on the first row, first column, both, or neither.Height: The height of the table, in pixels.Width: The width of the table, in pixels.Columns: The number of columns in the table.After choosing to insert a table, a popup will appear where you can determine the following aspects of your table: See Insert Media for more information about the types of media you can insert. MediaĬlick the icon to embed video or audio clips. See Insert a Downloadable File for more information.

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Insert a file for your respondents to download by clicking the icon. See Insert a Graphic for more information about inserting and customizing images.

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You will then have the option to choose an image from your graphics library, or upload a new image. You can insert an image by clicking the icon. When the respondent takes the survey, their name is pulled from the contact list used to distribute the survey, and they receive a personalized survey experience. This section will cover inserting each type of rich content.Įxample: In this example, we use piped text to pull in the respondent’s first name to the introductory question. The Rich Content Editor is where you’ll go any time you need to insert media, tables, images, or other rich information into your text. This includes email distributions, emails on tickets, email tasks, emails sent via the XM Directory task, and anywhere else in the Qualtrics platform where you can send an email.īy default, library messages are written in the Rich Content Editor. Click e dit to enter the rich content editor.īy default, the email editor uses the rich content editor. Select Rich Content Editor from the list.īy default, the survey header and footer are written in plain text. To access the rich content editor, click on the choice text and then click the blue dropdown menu to access the choice options. The choice text editor uses plain text by default. To exit the rich content editor, click anywhere in the gray space outside of the rich content editor window. Click the Rich Content Editor tab on the top left of the editor to access rich text.Ĭhanges in this rich content editor are saved automatically.

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The question text editor uses plain text by default. Below are some of the more common locations. You can find the rich content editor almost anywhere you work with text in the Qualtrics platform. Using this editor, you can bold, underline, change colors and fonts, add hyperlinks, add lists and tables, and even insert videos and images. The Rich Content Editor allows you to add special formatting to your text.

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